All parts are numbered. Please assemble them in orderBefore installing the machine, you should also ...
Now we are going to introduce the installation process of PMI composite housing. If the MERAK E750 b...
这次我们选用了FUTABA FBL专用舵机 BLS273SV+BLS276SV的组合拿出7-1零件包,都是安装舵机用的先安装最下面的一颗舵机。记得装垫片用自攻螺丝固定。然后是中间舵机。也就是说三颗倾斜...
RVE Merak 天璇星以其精致的做工和精准的公差控制,得到了很多朋友和同好的关注和支持!我将分几期来跟大家分享这款机的组装和调试教程,希望对大家装机有一些帮助。首先看下包装,低调简洁有内涵!特别注...
The rear is the assembly instructions for the tail: find the parts shown on the diagram. First insta...
Next is the installation of the tail support, take out the 6-2 parts package. The carbon fiber tail ...
RVE MERAK E750 has been recognized and unanimously praised since its launch, and now the assembly of...